How it began

Five years ago one of our sons began to get red patches on his legs and I developed red, dry patches on my face. I wanted the most natural remedy without side effects that can come from lotions and creams, even organic ones. After researching I found tallow balm and began making it from locally sourced animals. By the time we saw our doctor two weeks later I had to point out where the patches had been and then cleared up with the tallow balm. It has since been used by friends and family to soothe eczema, psoriasis, dry skin, saddle sores from cycling, calluses, sunburns, chapped lips and more!  

What’s in a name

I heard a podcast on side hustles where the hosts said, "literally no one cares what you call your company". I immediately walked over to our boys and asked them each their favorite color and animal. Out of the varied answers were black, white, and toads. There was also a platypus named at the time, but I like alliterations so I went with toad.

We are a family of 5 from Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Everyday is an adventure at our house. Sharon is a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom who works part-time in the Kids Ministry at her church. She enjoys researching health topics and listening to podcasts. Matthew serves as a Pastor of Biblical Counseling and enjoys riding his bicycle in his spare time. Finley enjoys driving and Piper is working on it! Ollie loves Legos and bugs. A notable member of our family not pictured is Bjorn, the ruling house cat. For the most part, he is nice to us.

And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

Colossians 3:17

I was pleasantly surprised by the subtle and natural scent of the tallow balm. There were no artificial fragrances, and it carried a faint, earthy aroma that faded quickly after application. This made it suitable for those with sensitivities to strong scents.

- Bridget A., Customer